The Mystery Corner Cupboard – Chapter 7
March 01, 2015
Now that the lower case was structurally sound, it was time to restore the doors. The two mortise and tenon door frames were made of solid (heavy and hard) Santo Domingo mahogany – the best. Still, their faces were veneered,some of which was loose. This I reglued while also making a survey of loose areas of veneer in the panels.
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The Mystery Corner Cupboard – Chapter 6
January 20, 2015
The thick, loose mahogany veneer on the lower front and right side was next. It was an extra challenge because there was some thick, dried Elmer’s Glue-All under the veneer that had to be removed first. I got the wrong glue out, got the right glue in, clamped it flat, and it was good to go for the next generations.
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The Mystery Corner Cupboard – Chapter 5
January 10, 2015
Now that the right foot was structurally sound, it was time to restore the 2-part mahogany bracket foot face. The left half (front facing) was basically sound and intact. The right side, though, had lost the lower 1/5 to decay. The owner had, years ago, built up most of the missing part with window glazing compound and done a passable job shaping and coloring it. I elected to stabilize the rotted parts, and keep her repair (after all, it was part of its history) but to build it up or trim it as needed to refine its shape. The last step was to bring the color up and make that putty look like old mahogany.
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